9 Quotes Psikologi dalam Bahasa Inggris
Kutipan sering kali disebut qoutes di Indonesia sekarang ini. Berikut ini 9 Quotes Psikologi dalam bahasa inggris :
1. Psikologi berkata : The less you say, the more your words will matter.
2. Psikologi berkata: Never give up on something you really wants. It's difficult to wait, but worse to regret.
3. Psikologi berkata: No matter how much it hurts now, someday you will lookback and realize your struggles changed your life for the better.4. Psikologi berkata : While missing someone, your emotions are more likely to go from happiness to sadness instantly.5. Psikologi berkata: When you are ignored by a person whose attention means the most to you, the reaction in your brain will be similiar to physcal pain.
6. Psikologi berkata: There will always be a reason why you meet people. Either you need them to change your life, or you are the one who helps to change theirs.
7. Psikologi berkata: The older you get, the less people you trust.
8. Psikologi berkata: Never be afraid to try something new because life gets boring when you tay within the limits of what you already knew.
9. Psikologi berkata: When you focus on problems, you will have more problems. When you focus on possibilities, you will have more opportunities.